Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



No, the title of my article is not a mistake. I am not writing about “jeans” (denim pants), but “genes” (material which determines one’s inherited traits). By “designer genes,” I refer to the modern “scientific” (?) practice of hunting for genetic “causes” (excuses) for sin. This dangerous practice is a slippery slope that has not been thought through by the supposed “geniuses” of society. I freely admit that I am no scientist by any stretch of the imagination! But I have been studying my Bible for a good long while, and I am convinced of its veracity. And in that sacred volume, we learn that we are personally responsible for our conduct before God! (See: Ezk.18:20; Jm.1:12-16).

But human beings are a determined lot! Sadly, some are more determined to find an EXCUSE for sin, than to find the CURE for it (via the message of the cross, 1Cor.1:18, 21). As noted above, one of the ways this problem has manifested itself is by finding genetic “reasons” for sinful conduct. The first example that I remember hearing about was the “alcoholic” gene. Yes, I know, that’s not the proper name for it. But whatever its proper name is, the point is that some say there is a tendency to alcoholism “built in” to the genetic makeup of some people. This, in turn, leads to the “they can’t help it” mentality. Ultimately, that becomes an excuse for drunkenness! Those who embrace this notion might say, “He has a sickness” – but God still says, “It’s sinful, so stop it!” (Ep.5:18). For the record, I am NOT arguing that it’s “easy” for a habitual drunkard to quit; only that it is within his power to do so.

In recent years, our scientific “geniuses” have “discovered” the “gay gene.” Now, homosexual conduct is no longer taboo! In fact, according to these mental giants, you can no more help being “gay” than you can help having blonde hair or blue eyes! But the Bible clearly describes homosexual conduct as soul-destroying sin (Rm.1:26-27; 1Cor.6:9-10). But even if we grant their premise (which I do NOT grant), the fact remains that one does not have to act on his or her sexual impulses! I was born heterosexual, but that does not mean I can have just any woman (Hb.13:4)!

Now you may laugh at what I am about to say. You may even say, “That’s extreme; that would never happen.” But mark my words: our so-called “geniuses” will eventually find a gene for any conduct they wish to justify. Over the next few years, there will be some “ground-breaking” discoveries! They will find a “stealing gene,” a “lying gene,” a “fornicating gene,” an “adultery gene,” “a polygamy gene,” a “gossiping gene,” a “drug-using” gene, a “pedophilia gene,” a “bestiality gene,” a “wife-beating gene,” and possibly even a “murder gene.” Do you think I’ve gone off the deep end? Well, just wait and see! And who would dare argue against “science,” once they tell us that such things have been “proven”? Anyone who did so would be branded as some kind of ignorant and hateful bigot! By the way, does any of that sound familiar???

Now, you know what I mean by “designer genes.” Our mental giants in the so-called scientific community will be able to “design” (make up, imagine, concoct) a gene to meet any need. Is someone in your family a child-molester? Don’t worry – it’s genetic! He can no more help that than he can help having blonde hair or blue eyes. And how dare those “self-righteous Christians” call child-molesting a sin or a crime! Those “narrow-minded bigots” ought to know better! We must learn to have more compassion for those who just want to “love” our children! (I hope that you can see that this paragraph is filled with irony and sarcasm in order to make a point. In reality such thinking is reprehensible! I am no prophet, but believe me when I say: this WILL happen!)

In case you’re wondering, yes, I DO recognize a variety of fleshly “weaknesses” among men. Some struggle with stealing, while others have no issue with it. Others struggle with lust, while others have that under control. Indeed, each one of us may have his or her own peculiar weakness, which the Devil seeks to exploit to our destruction. But a weakness is NOT a genetic inevitability! We CAN – yea, we MUST – resist these temptations (Jm.4:7-10)! To do otherwise is to invite spiritual disaster. We must accept responsibility for our actions, because God WILL hold us accountable!

Don’t invest in “designer genes” – it’s a highly speculative and risky business.

--Lanny Smith